About Us

Administration Team

  • Colleen McGuire --- Managing Director
  • Mary Voit --- IT Department
  • Colleen McGuire --- Managing Director

    Colleen McGuire --- Managing Director

    Before coming to Greece, Colleen was a housing rights attorney in New York City with her own law firm for 16 years. We has traveled to over 90 countries on four continents. In 1997, she bicycled solo from New York City to San Francisco carrying all her gear.

    As head of the office, Colleen handles reservations and collections and oversees the IT, sales and marketing departments.

  • Mary Voit --- IT Department

    Mary Voit --- IT Department

    Mary left her home country Belarus in 2005 to take residence in Greece where she studied music and communication in American College of Greece. She is a composer and an avid cyclist.

    With skills in photography, videography and website building, Mary is in charge of making the Argosy website come alive. She is also a trouble shooter for technical issues on computer.

Argosy Yachting Experts

  • Yiannis Skevis --- Captain
  • Panayioti
  • Giorgos Salaminios --- Head Chef
  • Yiannis Skevis --- Captain

    Yiannis Skevis --- Captain

    Yiannis spent his early years close to the sea and the mountains of Patra, his birthplace. He emigrated to the US at an early spending time between Nevada and Greece. He plays tennis, bikes, hikes, skiis and is a PADI certified scuba diver.

    Yiannis oversees all the yachts in the Argosy network. He has built several wooden sailing boats by hand, including the Apollon. He has a Master Yachtsman license.

  • Panayioti

    Panayioti "Pete" Sarris --- Cruise Activities Director

    Pete is an enthusiastic outdoorsman, specializing in sea kayaking, road and off-road cycling and hiking. He is also an artist who paints icons on church walls. As a true Grecophile, he has a deep reservoir of knowledge about authetnic Greek food and wine.

    Pete is in charge of the outdoor and leisure activities that each cruise offers. This includes the logistics of establishing biking, hiking and kayaking routes, overseeing guides and maintaining gear inventory, as well as scouting locales for cultural activities.

  • Giorgos Salaminios --- Head Chef

    Giorgos Salaminios --- Head Chef

    Giorgos worked as a head chef on cruise ships before joining the Argosy team. His culinary skills extend to creating elaborate ornamental centerpieces from fruits and vegetables. Giorgos’ tasks includes overseeing and devising menu choices for cruises meals.

Our Crews

Our Crews

The various yachts managed or owned by Argosy are manned by the most seasoned Greek sailors, the best in the trade, licensed and certified by all international sea faring regulatory agencies, including the United States Coast Guard and European Economic Union sea regulatory standards. Each yacht has an experienced captain, engineer and at least two mates.

Crew members are certified in first aid and CPR procedures and always on alert for your safety and well being during your cruise. Depending on the cruise selected, skilled Greek chefs are available to prepare fresh fish and traditional healthy Greek cuisine.

Safety at Sea

Safety at Sea

The traditional wooden yachts in the Argosy network are fully equipped with all required safety devices and gear, such as life rafts, life jackets, motorized tenders, satellite beacon devices, emergency communication devices, fire prevention/extinguishing equipment, emergency pumps and other essential sea faring devices.

Your safety is our paramount concern in all our cruises. The crews give instructions on how to wear a life jacket and what to do in case of an emergency, such as embarking on the life rafts and using the navigation devices.

Throughout many years of operations each yacht, captain and their crew have enjoyed an impeccable record of safety during all cruises with excellent references from satisfied clients.

Our Edge in the Sailing Scene

Our Edge in the Sailing Scene

The Argosy office management team has a long history as specialty travel tour operators via our other brands, including Aegean Adventures, which National Geographic Adventures named a "top ten tour operator on Earth" in its cycling ratings for three years in a row.

As incoming Greece tour operators we specialize in hands-on service, precision in travel logistics, and dynamic itineraries that emphasize the authentic aspects of Greece’s land, people and culture.

Our professional background as adventure travel tour operators and pioneers in this niche industry, coupled with a familiarity of the hidden treasures known only to locals, enhances any Argosy sailing cruise with exciting and memorable active and leisure activities organized by our team.



We chose the name Argosy because it brings to mind the ancient ship Argo and the mythical Greek Argonauts. Some time before the Trojan War the Argonauts roamed Greek waters accompanying Jason in his quest to find the Golden Fleece.We invite you to feel like those those ancient Greek heroes sailing the Aegean Sea in search of your own golden dreams.

The dictionary definition of Argosy is (1) a large merchant ship, especially one with a rich cargo (2) a fleet of such ships (3) an opulent supply.

Our yachts are laden with a rich cargo of curious, adventuresome travelers. We have an opulent supply of land and sea activities that entice and entertain our guests as effectively as the Sirens wooed Odysseus.

Want to travel with us?